This project is a new approach to the concept of sport. Anthropologically
conceived games are considered as a vehicle promoting inclusion and
cultural diversity, which in its most fundamental, original and identity
aspect is called “traditional sports games” (Parlebas, 2001).
The characteristics of TSG, its adaptive system of rules, its social nature,
facilitate what is proposed in this initiative, intercultural dialogue. These
recreational expressions promote values such as sport for all and
solidarity. Moreover, the United Nations Educational and Scientific
Organization (UNESCO) recognizes TSG as an intangible heritage asset
and a symbol of the cultural diversity of societies.
1. Develop a pedagogical model for the teaching of TSG;
2. Create a model for TSG sport competition;
3. Map the impact of TSG on social inclusion (of refugees, and/or
migrants, and/or people at social risk and promotion of gender equality)
and cultural diversity.
The following main outputs will be produced
to meet the objectives of this project:
TSG pedagogical teaching manual. (September – 2024)
Training university students and other communitygents and
make them ambassadors in the promotion,dissemination
and practice of TSG in formal andnon-formal education settings.
October/December – 2024)
Calendar for local and international competitions (Portugal, Spain and Croatia) based on harmonizedcross-cultural TSG rules, and a competition regulation.
January – 2024)